No.10 | August 27, 2020
✎ Made by James, Nick, Ryan, & Josh
What are your top three goals this month?
James: 1) Sell my house
2) Find a better work from home setup for my back
3) Help Jasmine with the landscaping plan for our backyard
Nick: Honestly, I have just one goal which is to close a client that I've been working on for months! We are so close. Looking forward to getting to the finish line.
Ryan: Finish reading 3 books.
Complete my investing course.
Meditate for 20 minutes every day.
Josh: Decide if we want to relocate the family.
Maybe, try and repair the deck before it gets further damaged. And finish writing the last chapter of my book.
What gave you energy and drive this month?
James: I started working on the backyard renovation with Jasmine. Making the plans for the contractors has been oddly relaxing. Plus, any project with Jasmine is always so much fun.
Nick: I felt the most energized when I completed my long distance run. It's been nice to get out again. I also beat my PR! Fuck yes.
Ryan: Pretty excited about the progress I've made with taking care of my body. I didn't really treat myself well in the beginning of quarantine. Drank way too much alcohol (trying to kick this whiskey habit) and ate way too much junk food.
Josh:Had a conversation with my son about robotics. He developed a deep interest recently and I'm excited to share with him everything that I know.
Also, I watched this interview:
GQ: "If confused friends or family ask you to explain it, can you?"
JDW: "I can explain my character and his relationship to inversion and reverse entropy in temporal pincer movements. But overall, nah."
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James: My son and a quiche he made. Turns out he's quite the baker.

Nick: Josh (my 25 year old son) and my mom! We took the family and visited her at her new home.
Jacob: Checked out a new spot in town yesterday. 9/10 cocktails. Outdoor dining available.
If y'all are in ATX, hit me up! Can't wait to see y'all after this is all over. Been over 5 months since our last meetup.

Josh: My wife and I on our local Costco excursion.
👀 Check It Out
Nick: “One of the biggest uncertainties when it comes to how much sea level will rise in the future is how much the ice sheets will contribute,” said project leader and ice scientist Sophie Nowicki, now at the University at Buffalo, and formerly at NASA Goddard. “And how much the ice sheets contribute is really dependent on what the climate will do.” Josh: My favorite recipe lately is this paneer dish from the legendary Michelin starred- chef Atul Kochhar. ✍️ The next issue of Thinkers & Doers will be delivered on:
Thursday, September 10th