No.6 | September 1, 2020
✎ Made by Grace, Kelsey, & Kayla
What's one small thing that happens in your day which makes you feel warm and happy?
Grace: Finished a big launch at work and got some good feedback from co-workers! AND getting lots of cuddles with my new dog! :)
Kel: I really enjoyed a conversation I had with a friend about how to deal with a hard conversation she needed to have with her husband. I felt really positive afterwards because I was able to help her through a hard time.
All my hours of relationship self-help books paid off. 😅
Kayla: Found a new hobby — water coloring! Found a lot of inspiration on Youtube. I even started a new piece and finished it in a week.
What were you up to in the last month?
Grace: I have been heads down at work working on our big launch. I'm very proud of our team and what we've accomplished! I mentioned in our last zoom call that I took lead of this very exciting new initiative in Q2 and now, I finally saw everything come together!
Despite the crazy hours that we pulled, I'm super grateful for my team and what we were able to do together. I really believe our customers are going to be hugely impacted by these changes.
Oh and I got dog! 🐶
Kel: The usual! Kyle and I decided to stay in San Diego and be near his family. We both have been hustling away at our day job and recently been really interested in the FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early) movement. Have you guys heard of it?
Kayla: I've been reflecting and writing a lot. I realized that I neglected a lot of creative side after years of working in corporate. (P.S. I miss yall as coworkers!!) The pandemic gave me a lot of time to reconsider how I want to spend my time and I noticed how much joy it brings me when I create art!
I think often we forget the difference between doing and being. Despite everything going on, I feel grateful for the time I've had to spend time creating art and exploring different mediums.
Grace asked: I've been wanting to mentor folks in my org but I am SUPER busy. Any suggestions on the best way to mentor junior team members if you have limited time?
Grace: My plan right now is to host monthly chats with a small cohort of junior team members. 5 people have signed up so far!
I'm wondering if there's a better solution that allows me to spend more 1:1 time with folks individually. Mentorship matters! I can't imagine what my career would be like if Angelina didn't take me under her wing.
Kel: An executive at my old company hosted weekly lunches and had her EA pick folks each week to join her. Might be a cool way to eat and also just chat. Very little prep work as well.
Kayla: This might take more work but a great way to provide mentorship in addition to meeting with folks individually might be to publish your thoughts and insights. Writing does a great deal of inspiring and distributing wisdom.
📸 Photo Wall

Grace: Welcomed home my new pup! Still getting to know him and then, will name him. Any ideas?
Kel: New ramen recipe + my attempt to be a IG influencer. Ha!
Kayla: I finally got out of my house this weekend and visited Yosemite National Park for the FIRST time. Can you believe it?!
👀 Check It Out
Grace: I found out that you can search for pdfs in google by adding filetype:pdf. MIND BLOWN!
Kayla: Everyone needs to read The Hate You Give.
✍️ The next issue of Dream Team will be delivered on:
Tuesday, September 15th