No.9 | September 15, 2020
✎ Made by Jake, Amanda, Ashley, Laura, Mark, & Brad
If the last month was a chapter of your life, what would you title it?
Jake-y: Adventures through fire, loss, and grief 😢😢😢
Amanda: Me, myself, and my room
Ash: Hotel Living
Laura: The Chronicles of Living Alone During The Pandemic
Mark: Getting that $$$
Brad: Befriending a cat
What was the last thing you purchased?
Jake-y: a set of weights from walmart. got the last set, hell yes!
Amanda: a new cookbook!
Ash: Hm, I've been pretty actively saving money for the down payment on the house so...I bought groceries? Nothing too exciting.
Laura: Treated myself with takeout from a Michelin star restaurant! Still insanely cheap though. Yay for getting a deal.
Mark: New standing desk for my wfh setup. 👍
Brad: A new watch! Buying a new watch signifies a new chapter. I'm really excited about starting the new job and seeing where it takes me in my life and career.
What’s something you’re looking forward to doing or experiencing?
Jake-y: Going back on campus at Waterloo and seeing all my friends.
It's been really lonely living by myself and I've really been wanting and craving community. My Waterloo friends got this awesome place right by campus so, it'll be awesome to get back there and be with my pod.
Amanda: Family vacation with you all. Miss everyone!
Ash: Setting up the home garden and getting my raised beds!
Laura: A day with the hubbie and kids with the baby sitters.
Mark: New standing desk for my wfh setup.
Brad: A new watch! Buying a new watch signifies a new chapter. I'm really excited about starting the new job and seeing where it takes me in my life and career.
📸 Photo Wall
Jake-y: me whenever i go out. lol
Amanda: That's me.
Ash: At a restaurant that Brian took me to and they showed me the fish before they cooked it!!!
Laura: Shot on iPhone
Brad: Laura and I did a professional photoshoot with the baby. More pics to come. 😉
📢 Shout-Outs
Ash: S/O to Amanda for helping me fix my webcam for work.
Amanda: Thanks Jake for planning our next fam vacation. I appreciate you and all the hard work!
Mark: So many! Jake for starting his last year at Waterloo, Amanda on the huge raise at work, Ashley for always baking everyone delicious food and mailing to us even though we are so far apart, Laura for being an AMAZING mom, Mark for giving me the standing desk recommendation (helps SO Much with my back already), and Brad for saving the cat instead putting it down...the world needs more people like you.
Brad: I'm so grateful to have the best family ever!
✍️ The next issue of The Roberts Fam will be delivered on:
Saturday, September 29th