No.1 | September 7, 2020
✎ Made by Alice, Rob, Alex, & Yuna
What's something you're looking forward to doing?
Alice: On Monday we're shooting a short film in LA with Jakob (one of my friends from art school) and Rachel — she's a professional filmmaker. I've actually been writing this script for the last few months in quarantine, so I'm super excited to finally bring it to life! 💪
Rob: Labor Day is this weekend and we're getting away to lake up by Acadia National Park. Mari and Tom are coming too, we haven't seen them in months!
Alex: I had a super tough exam last week... that I aced 😃 Going to pat myself on the back by trying out a new recipe I've been meaning to get around to. I actually bought some sashimi from the local market just to make this! 🍣
Yuna: It's been a long week but I'm excited to harvest the garden tomatoes! They're growing really well. I'll bring them up to Acadia along with some of the cucumbers, potatoes, and peppers we just picked.
📸 Photo Wall
Yuna: We made this lunch with broccoli from the garden!
Alice: Rachel and I up in SF last week. 🌉
Rob: Luna after rampaging through the garden.
Alex: Ermahgerd can't believe I got to eat this 😋 😍
☀️ One Good Thing
Alice: I've been going on daily phone walks with mom. We walk and talk for about an hour and it's felt super connecting! If anyone else wants to do something like this, let me know :)
I've also been spending a lot more time reading during my vacation. I *love* it and have forgotten how invigorating it is to simply have endless space to read, reflect and write. Along with the walks, that's been a huge boost to my mood.
Alex: One of my favorite musicians, Distroscape, recently did a livestream and because no one else was posting comments on his stream, it ended up being basically just me, the host, and him! It was so cool to ask so many nerdy music questions and get them answered. He even remembered me b/c he has a private group for his fans and I've posted several covers of his stuff over the years.
📢 Shout-Outs
Alice: S/O to Alex for acing his exam! 💪 Also, thanks Dad for helping me fix my car over the phone. Don't know what I would have done without your help!
Rob: Shout out to everyone! I love this family.
Alex: Mom for giving me good advice on how I can talk to my roommate about doing dishes and keeping our place clean.
Yuna: So many! I have to say that a special shout out goes to Alex for significantly improving in school, Alice for her hard work, and Rob for being the best life partner!
💭 On Your Mind
Alice: Top goal is the same as it has been for a while lol... write and shoot my own feature short film. It’s been a lot harder to find shooting locations and a team with the current pandemic alongside a full time job, but what makes me most optimistic is that I really enjoy writing the script and the entire process.
I’m 100% sure that if I love the process, it’ll be worth it. I know that there are plenty of other people like me who will be moved by the story.I think that’s really all there is to creating great art.
I really like the Kurt Vonnegut quote about creativity. “We have to continually be jumping off cliffs and developing our wings on the way down.” Definitely relate to it a lot. I have no idea what I’m doing but I’m just focusing on taking the risk and seeing where it goes! I believe it’s all about making something I really want to watch. If that’s the case, I’m very confident it will be enough.
Rob: The last few months have been tough for everyone, but I've been thinking that one positive consequence has been more connectedness between us all. It's the most time I've personally had in a while to slow down and be in the present.
Yuna: Mostly continuing to think about my holistic healing and how to exercise more often. Easy for me to sit and watch a movie after a long day instead of going for a walk. I’m thinking about trying out yoga… any recommendations on good online teachers?
✍️ The next issue of Nakamura Musings will be delivered on:
Monday, September 21st