πŸ‘‹ Check-in
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What's a truth you've recently come to terms with?
Level 3
πŸ’œ Relationships
πŸ’Œ All Topics
What's your favorite memory with your family?
Level 1
πŸ€” Self Reflection
πŸ’Œ All Topics
If you could only use five words, how would you describe yourself?
Level 1
🌎 Worldview & Life
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Think of the best teacher you've ever had. What did they teach, and what made them so special?
Level 1
πŸ’Ό Work & Career
πŸ’Œ All Topics
Have you picked up any new skills at your job this year?
Level 1
🌎 Worldview & Life
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What do people think is hard but actually isnt?
Level 1
🌎 Worldview & Life
πŸ’Œ All Topics
If you could promote one value or ethic in the world, what would it be and why do you think it's vital?
Level 3
πŸ’Ό Work & Career
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Who had the most significant impact on your career and why?
Level 2
πŸ‘‹ Check-in
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Explain your current feelings in life to a 3 year old.
Level 2
🧊 Icebreakers
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What is the last book you read? Would you recommend it?
Level 1
πŸ‘‹ Check-in
πŸ’Œ All Topics
What's one thing you recently did for yourself?
Level 1
πŸ’Ό Work & Career
πŸ’Œ All Topics
How much of your decision to stay in your current job is influenced by comfort and fear versus ambition and fulfillment?
Level 3
🎲 Random & Fun
πŸ’Œ All Topics
What's the best compliment you've ever received?
Level 3
🎲 Random & Fun
πŸ’Œ All Topics
If you could erase one thing or event from your memory, what would you choose?
Level 3
πŸ’Ό Work & Career
πŸ’Œ All Topics
What profession would you be in if you had known about it earlier?
Level 3
πŸ‘‹ Check-in
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What do you wish people would ask you more about right now?
Level 2
πŸ’Ό Work & Career
πŸ’Œ All Topics
What do you plan to learn in the coming days?
Level 1
πŸ’œ Relationships
πŸ’Œ All Topics
What behavior or trait immediately makes you like someone?
Level 1
🎲 Random & Fun
πŸ’Œ All Topics
Who here is is most likely to call in sick at work just to travel for a concert in another state?
Level 1
πŸ€” Self Reflection
πŸ’Œ All Topics
If you could ask your future self one thing, what would it be?
Level 1
πŸ’œ Relationships
πŸ’Œ All Topics
In what ways are you similar to your parents? In what ways are you different?
Level 2
πŸ’Ό Work & Career
πŸ’Œ All Topics
What's the most challenging ethical dilemma you've faced in your career?
Level 3
πŸ’œ Relationships
πŸ’Œ All Topics
What do you think people might envy you for?
Level 1
🧊 Icebreakers
πŸ’Œ All Topics
What was your favorite childhood toy?
Level 1
🧊 Icebreakers
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What is your most regretful purchase?
Level 2
🧊 Icebreakers
πŸ’Œ All Topics
If you could start your own charity, what would it focus on?
Level 2
🎲 Random & Fun
πŸ’Œ All Topics
You can stop time for 24 hours. What do you do with this opportunity?
Level 3
πŸ’œ Relationships
πŸ’Œ All Topics
What are you working on in your relationships (with friends or with a partner) right now?
Level 2
πŸ‘‹ Check-in
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What's a challenge you recently faced?
Level 1
🌎 Worldview & Life
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What subject or course do you wish they had offered in school?
Level 2
πŸ’œ Relationships
πŸ’Œ All Topics
What trait signals to you that someone is wise?
Level 2
πŸ€” Self Reflection
πŸ’Œ All Topics
What is your biggest accomplishment outside of academia and work?
Level 2
🌎 Worldview & Life
πŸ’Œ All Topics
What's the worst advice you've ever been given?
Level 2
🧊 Icebreakers
πŸ’Œ All Topics
Is there an experience you think everyone should have at least once in their lives?
Level 3
πŸ’Ό Work & Career
πŸ’Œ All Topics
What would you consider to be a 'dream job', and how close is your current job to that ideal?
Level 3
🧊 Icebreakers
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Is there a particular event or moment that redirected the course of your life? How did it impact you?
Level 3
πŸ’Ό Work & Career
πŸ’Œ All Topics
How do you reconcile the need for financial stability with the desire to pursue a passion that might be less lucrative?
Level 3
πŸ‘‹ Check-in
πŸ’Œ All Topics
What's a new hobby or activity you've tried recently?
Level 1
πŸ€” Self Reflection
πŸ’Œ All Topics
If you could go back and relive one day in your life without changing anything about it, which day would you choose?
Level 2
πŸ’Ό Work & Career
πŸ’Œ All Topics
What do you consider as red flags in a potential employer or boss?
Level 2
πŸ‘‹ Check-in
πŸ’Œ All Topics
What do you wish people would talk more about right now?
Level 3
🌎 Worldview & Life
πŸ’Œ All Topics
Have you ever turned down an opportunity, then came to later regret that decision?
Level 1
πŸ‘‹ Check-in
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What’s something at the top of your to-do list?
Level 1
🧊 Icebreakers
πŸ’Œ All Topics
If you could live in any movie universe for a week, which one would you pick?
Level 2
🎲 Random & Fun
πŸ’Œ All Topics
If every time you snapped your fingers, you would instantly and irreversibly be transported to a random point in humanity's timeline, would you snap your fingers? If so, how often?
Level 1
πŸ‘‹ Check-in
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Have any priorities recently shifted to the forefront of your life?
Level 2
πŸ’œ Relationships
πŸ’Œ All Topics
In three words, how would your family and friends describe you?
Level 2
πŸ‘‹ Check-in
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What's the most exciting improvement you've been seeing in yourself recently?
Level 3
🧊 Icebreakers
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Which best describes you? An introvert or an extrovert?
Level 1
πŸ’Ό Work & Career
πŸ’Œ All Topics
What legacy do you hope to leave as a result of your professional work?
Level 3
🧊 Icebreakers
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What's a hobby you've always wanted to try?
Level 1
πŸ’œ Relationships
πŸ’Œ All Topics
What or who do you have an unhealthy relationship with?
Level 2
πŸ’Ό Work & Career
πŸ’Œ All Topics
What professional accomplishment are you most proud of and why?
Level 2
🌎 Worldview & Life
πŸ’Œ All Topics
What is the most ordinary-seeming thing that you find fascinating?
Level 2
πŸ‘‹ Check-in
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How is your current health, fitness, or wellness routine going?
Level 1
πŸ’Ό Work & Career
πŸ’Œ All Topics
What would make you feel like "you made it"?
Level 3
πŸ’œ Relationships
πŸ’Œ All Topics
What do you most need to hear right now, and from whom?
Level 3
πŸ€” Self Reflection
πŸ’Œ All Topics
What does your ideal/dream life look like?
Level 1
πŸ€” Self Reflection
πŸ’Œ All Topics
Are you settling for less than what you are worth? If so, why?
Level 2
πŸ‘‹ Check-in
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Think of one of your big, lofty goals. What small step could you take today towards achieving it?
Level 2
πŸ’Ό Work & Career
πŸ’Œ All Topics
What tools or apps do you find indispensable for your work?
Level 1
πŸ’œ Relationships
πŸ’Œ All Topics
In what way do you differ most from your romantic partner? In what way are you most similar?
Level 2
πŸ‘‹ Check-in
πŸ’Œ All Topics
What recent mistake taught you the most?
Level 3
🌎 Worldview & Life
πŸ’Œ All Topics
Are human desires endless, and can a society exist without wanting more?
Level 3
🎲 Random & Fun
πŸ’Œ All Topics
If you could be the CEO of any company, what company would you choose?
Level 1
πŸ’Ό Work & Career
πŸ’Œ All Topics
What's a recent disagreement or conflict you had in the workplace? How did you handle it?
Level 3
πŸ’Ό Work & Career
πŸ’Œ All Topics
Have you ever made a dramatic career shift, and what drove that decision?
Level 3
πŸ‘‹ Check-in
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What made you happy today?
Level 1
πŸ‘‹ Check-in
πŸ’Œ All Topics
What song has been on repeat for you lately? Does it have any special meaning?
Level 1
🌎 Worldview & Life
πŸ’Œ All Topics
Imagine you could instill one habit in your child that they would carry for life. What habit would you choose and why?
Level 2
🧊 Icebreakers
πŸ’Œ All Topics
You will be granted supernatural ability in one of your five sense (sight, smell, taste, hearing). Which would you choose, and why?
Level 1
πŸ’Ό Work & Career
πŸ’Œ All Topics
How do you approach networking, and have you had any success stories?
Level 2
🧊 Icebreakers
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If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would you go and why?
Level 1
πŸ‘‹ Check-in
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What quality are you currently cultivating in yourself?
Level 2
πŸ‘‹ Check-in
πŸ’Œ All Topics
Where you currently facing uncertainty or unknown, and how are you navigating it?
Level 2
πŸ’œ Relationships
πŸ’Œ All Topics
What is the most important quality you look for in a friend?
Level 1
🧊 Icebreakers
πŸ’Œ All Topics
How has your perspective on the world changed in the last five years?
Level 3
πŸ’Ό Work & Career
πŸ’Œ All Topics
What are your biggest goals between now and the next issue of our Letterloop?
Level 1
πŸ’œ Relationships
πŸ’Œ All Topics
What’s one family tradition you want to pass down to your kids?
Level 1
πŸ’Ό Work & Career
πŸ’Œ All Topics
Does your current job challenge you to grow in the ways you truly want? If not, what’s missing?
Level 3
🌎 Worldview & Life
πŸ’Œ All Topics
Have you ever desired or longed for something, but once you got it, discovered it was overrated or that you no longer wanted it?
Level 3
🌎 Worldview & Life
πŸ’Œ All Topics
What principle do you hold that you would never compromise on, even under pressure?
Level 3
πŸ€” Self Reflection
πŸ’Œ All Topics
What kind of person do you want to be?
Level 1
πŸ€” Self Reflection
πŸ’Œ All Topics
What practice or habit (if anything) best supports your mental health/well-being?
Level 2
πŸ‘‹ Check-in
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What’s your dream vacation right now? Why?
Level 2
🌎 Worldview & Life
πŸ’Œ All Topics
If you could intervene during any historic event, changing history, what would it be? How would things unfold differently?
Level 1
🌎 Worldview & Life
πŸ’Œ All Topics
What's the most useless thing you've ever been taught in school?
Level 1
πŸ’Ό Work & Career
πŸ’Œ All Topics
What's a goal or project you've made progress on?
Level 2
πŸ‘‹ Check-in
πŸ’Œ All Topics
What has surprised you recently?
Level 1
🎲 Random & Fun
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If you were a dictator of a small country, what crazy dictator things would you do?
Level 2
πŸ’Ό Work & Career
πŸ’Œ All Topics
What was your first job, and what did it teach you?
Level 1
πŸ’œ Relationships
πŸ’Œ All Topics
What's the most important lesson a friend has taught you?
Level 1
πŸ’Ό Work & Career
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What was a pivotal moment in your career that led you to where you are now?
Level 2
πŸ‘‹ Check-in
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What's something that tends to ruin your day as of late?
Level 2
πŸ‘‹ Check-in
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What's a standout moment where you felt excited recently?
Level 1
🌎 Worldview & Life
πŸ’Œ All Topics
What's something you're absolutely convinced is going to happen in the future?
Level 3
🌎 Worldview & Life
πŸ’Œ All Topics
What's something you're you proud of, but never have an excuse to talk about?
Level 3
πŸ’Ό Work & Career
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How do you balance work and personal life?
Level 1
πŸ‘‹ Check-in
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What's a funny or interesting story from your week?
Level 1
πŸ€” Self Reflection
πŸ’Œ All Topics
You just inherited $10,000,000. How does your life change tomorrow?
Level 1

Connection Questions

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