Letterloop lets you ask and answer meaningful questions about everyone's lives that don't often come up over call or text.
In our experience, calls are wonderful, but thinking of great questions (and answering them!) on the spot can be tough. It's easy to fall into the same patterns of communication. Plus, while group calls are fun, they can quickly get too chaotic for everyone to ask and answer thoughtful questions.
Messaging is convenient but isn't designed for everyone to get a chance to share at the same time. Chat threads offer spontaneity and are a great way to share bits of your life in real-time. But when was the last time you asked everyone in your thread a question like, "What brings you energy and joy lately?"
Letterloop lets you ask these kinds of questions over email, giving people the time and space to reply. At the end of each cycle, the replies are presented in a fun and beautiful newsletter delivered to everyone's inbox. It's our way of slowing down that we hope you'll adopt as a new ritual with your friends and family.