Making a family newsletter that people will want to read

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11 Jan 2022
5 min read


I love being part of a family newsletter. It's like having a little social media group that you can share photos and short updates with. But it's different from every other social media group because it's all about the people who are in your life and how they're doing. If you want to create a family newsletter but without the work, try Letterloop. It's an easy way to create a family newsletter without the design hassle and followup. Get started today, it's free! I've been part of several newsletters over the years, and I've noticed some trends about what makes them successful:

Choose a publishing platform.

First, you'll need to choose a publishing platform. This is the software that allows you to create your newsletter in a simple and straightforward way. You'll want to make sure it's easy-to-use, secure, and mobile friendly since that's what people are using these days.

I highly recommend Letterloop — i's an easy way to create a family newsletter without the design hassle and followup. Get started today, it's free! I've been part of several newsletters over the years, and I've noticed some trends about what makes them successful:

Add a catchy title.

The title of your newsletter should be short and to-the-point. It’s important to encourage readers to keep reading, so use numbers like “seven reasons...” or “10 tips ...” to highlight important points. A question is also a great way to keep people reading!

Finally, make sure the title is relevant—if it makes sense in context and fits with the rest of the content, it will help readers understand why they should continue reading (or at least give them an idea).

Use a family motto or theme.

  • Use a family motto or theme. It's a great way to start a family newsletter, and can help keep the group together by providing some continuity. You may choose something that reflects the values you want to pass down to your children, such as "Keep it simple," or "Let's be kind."
  • Keep your layout consistent throughout all newsletters. A consistent layout will make it easier for readers to navigate each issue and recognize when new issues are published in the future!

Start with your letter.

Start with a greeting. Begin with a personal greeting that includes the name of your family newsletter and its purpose, like "Hello!" or "Welcome to our family newsletter." You should also include your name and the names of everyone else in the family who contributed to this issue.

Be sure to re-emphasize the theme of this issue of your family newsletter by repeating it at the beginning of each section, like "We're back with another report on our summer vacation," or "We've been busy since last time, so let's catch up on all we've been doing." This will help readers stay focused as they read through each section and keep track of where they are in relation to what was previously written about (and whether there's anything more coming up). Include an enticing call-to-action for readers at this point too—for example: "If you want more details about what we did on vacation, turn over now!"

Include an interesting fact from one member's life. This can be an anecdote that relates directly back to something mentioned earlier in this issue's letter or other sections, such as:

"When I was young my mom used to tell me stories about my great aunt Harriet when she was growing up during World War II..." (see next bullet point).

Ask for contributions from other members of the family.

  • Ask for contributions from other members of the family.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for contributions from other members of the family.

With Letterloop, the app asks everyone for questions and updates. No followup required on your end!

Include updates about older children, grandkids and extended family.

When it comes to keeping family and friends in the loop, you can't go wrong with a newsletter that features photos of your children and grandchildren. It's not enough just to post pictures—you'll want to tell stories about your kids' lives.

Include news about older children, grandkids and extended family members in the newsletter. If you have nieces or nephews who are away at school or on their own, include updates about them as well.

Keep it short and sweet.

Keep it short and sweet. That's the best advice I can give you when it comes to keeping a family newsletter that people will want to read. Your family has limited time for reading, so the less you put in their hands the better.

One of the most common mistakes I see with newsletters is that they contain too many pictures. This can be an attractive option because photos are fun and pretty, but they occupy space on your page that could be used for text instead (and if you're like me, you enjoy writing). So how do you include enough images without creating an unmanageable mess?

The answer is simple: Keep them small! If possible, use one picture per paragraph or two maximum per page—and don't forget about white space around those pictures so they don't look lost in a sea of blackness!

Don't make this mistake:

Having a fun group that people want to be part of can be hard work! But with the right tech setup and the right attitude, you can keep up your group newsletter through thick and thin.

If you're looking for a way to keep everyone in the loop about what's going on with your family, a group newsletter can be a great choice. You'll want to make sure that you have a good attitude and the right tech setup if you want it to continue growing strong.


We hope you found these tips helpful, and that they’ll help you create a newsletter that people actually want to read. Remember: it takes time and effort, but if you have the right attitude and the right tech setup, the payoff is worth it!

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Start your private, group newsletter today— stay in touch, grow closer together, and discover things you never knew with the people in your life.

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