How to create a teams newsletter

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11 Jan 2022
5 min read


Hi! My name's Candace and I'm one of the founders of Letterloop. We're a small team that created a tool to make it easy for you to create beautiful email newsletters with your team. In this guide, we'll show you how to create an effective company newsletter (even if you have no experience in apps or writing). Our goal is to help you get started with your own newsletter without creating any unnecessary stress or anxiety over having to write it yourself or pay someone else to do it for you.

Why you should write a newsletter

You should write a newsletter because it's one of the best ways to connect with your team. Whether you're working on an internal project together or have been hired by a client, newsletters are a great way to keep in touch with everyone and keep them informed about what's going on.

A newsletter can be as simple as sharing important info about what's going on in the company or can be used as a platform for giving shoutouts to team members who did something awesome. Either way, it'll help you build relationships within your team and create a more cohesive team culture.

How often should you send a newsletter?

You can decide how often to send a newsletter, but it's important to choose a schedule that works best for your team. The most popular options are monthly, bi-weekly and quarterly newsletters.

  • Monthly Newsletters: These are great if you have a lot of news to share each month (i.e., if there's been a new hire or project completed). It might also be appropriate if there are several big events happening within your organization throughout the year (like an annual conference or anniversary party). This cadence is also great since it allows space and time for everyone to share fun life updates.
  • Bi-Weekly Newsletters: For example: If someone has just joined the team and they've got two weeks worth of stories to share with everyone else at work! Or maybe there was some kind of issue earlier in the week that needs addressing? This option allows you time between issues so people don't feel like they're getting bombarded by emails all day long every single day for weeks on end!

What kind of content should you include in your newsletter?

Newsletters should be fun and engaging, so try to include a mix of content like:

  • Fun facts about teammates
  • Inspirational or fun stories from teammates
  • News about upcoming events and activities (like games nights, lunches, etc.)
  • News about the company or team (new hires, big projects)
  • Tips and tricks for better work life balance
  • Personal photos from teammates

The anatomy of a great newsletter

The best newsletter formats are easy to read, short and sweet and visually appealing. They include links to other interesting articles on the web, they are authentic space for everyone in the company to share their ideas and thoughts – wherever they came from originally – and most importantly of all, they’re consistent.

Newsletters are a great way to connect with your team especially during the pandemic

Newsletters are a great way to connect with your team especially during the pandemic and/or for remote teams. They can be used for sharing important information, and for sharing positive news. You can use them to give everyone an update on what is happening at work, and you can also use them to express how thankful you are for the hard work they do every day.

Click here to check out a sample newsletter that could help you get started.

Create a Letterloop today

Letterloop is a simple tool to create newsletters and send them out to your team. It's easy to use, has an impressive interface, and it's free!

Let's get started creating your first newsletter in Letterloop!


Newsletters are a great way to keep your team connected and engaged. It’s also a great way to share information with other people who may not be on your team.

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Start your private, group newsletter today— stay in touch, grow closer together, and discover things you never knew with the people in your life.

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Made by Candace, Bharat, & Jonathan